

JITC3: Just-In-Time Augmented Reality Command and Control System for Emergency Response

  • Where: Urban Mixed Realities: Technologies, Theories and Frontiers, Proceedings of the 26th Annual ACM SIGCHI Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2008), Florence, Italy. | | 2008
  • Abstract
    The Just-In-Time Command and Control Center (JITC3) is an Augmented Reality (AR) and mobile computing based system for improving Situational Awareness during urban emergency response operations. The JITC3 system integrates both synchronous and asynchronous location-specific information updates from field responders carrying GPS-enabled SmartPhones, allowing the JITC3 AR equipped coordinator to view and manipulate relevant information in a coherent urban and geospatial workspace augmented by images, audio and text.
  • Authors: Daniel Belcher, Xianhang Zhang, Anirudhan Vijayakanthan, Tom Furness
Last modified: 4/11/2008 by Daniel Belcher