MS Theses


Parametric Exploration of Shading Screens: Daylight, Sun Penetration, and view Factor

  • Where: MS Thesis Archives | Spring | 2017
  • Abstract
    Parametric Exploration of Shading Screens investigates a suite of performance criteria that can be used to select a shading screen. Shading screens can be effective means of controlling sun penetration and daylight availability in a given space. The evaluation criteria varies depending on the functionality of the space and the intended visual effect. It is possible to achieve diffuse or dynamic environments, bright or dim spaces, with the right light levels and the control of glare. A combination of a variety of screen patterns and openness factors are created using parametric modeling techniques and evaluated using daylighting simulations. The outcome is a workflow to create and select the right shading screen to design the luminous environment for the intended visual effect, visual comfort, and performance.
  • Author: Doaa AlSharif
  • Document: Link
Last modified: 12/10/2018 by Brian R Johnson